Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wasatch Back-Ragnar Relay 2009

On June 19th Casey, Me, Sarah Verhoef, Liz Watts, Lauren Shaw and Susan Greer loaded up in a Honda Pilot and headed to Liberty Park in Liberty Utah to meet up with the other six relay members(who were co-workers of Susan and Liz) who would run 1-6, 13-18, and 25-30 legs of the race. They started at 6am and ran 36.8 miles for their first six legs of the race. Our six would run 7-12, 19-24 and 31-36 legs of the race. Together our team ran 188 miles total in 33 hours 57 minutes and 47 seconds. Sarah Verhoef ran 12.4 miles, I ran 18.1 miles, Casey ran 15.1 miles, Liz Watt ran 15.2, Lauren Shaw ran 18.4 and Susan Greer ran 13.4. The difficulty on each leg ranged from easy, moderate, hard and very hard.

After our first 6 legs of the race a total of 21.3 miles in the heat of the day, with our legs ranging form easy to very hard, we got a five hour break which was from 5-10 pm. We tried to sleep but most of us were unable to. We then ran between the six of us 41.6 miles in the middle of the Night from 10:15pm-6am the next day. We then headed to the next exchange point in Heber Utah where we went and slept on the floor of EWS (Casey's work place) for 2 hours because the other half of the team only had 25.5 miles to run all which were easy legs.

We started the third leg of the race at 10:00 am and ran 30.7 total miles in four hours and 58 minutes all but one of the legs was hard or very hard. All of us only had a couple of hours of sleep in that 34 hours. I can hardly believe we made it. We did great. Our six team members averaged a 10 minute mile. It was hard and there where times I thought I was goign to die but I WOULD TOTALLY DO IT AGAIN IN A HEART BEAT! I'm going to do a half marathon next! I don't think Casey will be joining me for that one.

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